September 5, 2013

Attitude Adjustment

Let’s face it; we can all use a good ole’ Attitude Adjustment every now-and-then.

Flat tire, boss needs you to work this weekend, its 6:30 pm and you still need to hit the grocery store. Grrr.  Sometimes I get wrapped up in the daily demands on my time and energy and forget all that is good in my life. Since I can’t run away to a tropical Island, at least not today, I go for an attitude adjustment.

I keep a very small lime green leather notebook in my purse that I call my “Attitude Adjustment”.  On days like this I jot down in my “Attitude Adjustment” the first two or three things that come to mind that I’m grateful for.  My list usually includes simple things like: I’m grateful for my husband who will greet me with a smile and a kiss, a job that will pay for those groceries, and that I have a car to drive.​​

It reminds me that my problems and complaints are trivial in the grand scheme of things. Turning on the nightly news can be very sobering too.